

October 26, 2011

The Ambulance Associations from Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties partnered to provide the Southern California EMS community the Ambulance Association Leadership Training Seminar. We had the pleasure of listening to Gordon Graham's "The Seven Rules of Admiral Rickover" during the morning session and Chief Mike Metro's (LA County Fire Department) "Essentials of Leadership: Character, Competence and Connection" in the afternoon. The event was a great learning experience and an overall success!


August 28-30, 2012

Rural Metro San Diego is offering a Basic and Advanced Infection Control Officer certification course. The Advanced class is on August 28th and the Basic class will be held August 29-30th. Register soon because class size is limited to 45 people. Please contact Kim Norton, Rural Metro CCT Lead at 619-417-9323 for additional information.

Basic Course Fee: $350.00 per registrant
Advanced course Fee: $260.00 per registrant

Registration Form

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